Nes Lerpa viser os rundt i sit andet hjemland, Italien. Her har han sit atelier, Borgo Lanfranco i Emilia Romagna i de piacentinske højdedrag syd for Milano udenfor byen Piacenza - et fantastisk naturområde med gammel kultur. Her vandt puneren Hannibal over romerne ved floden Trebbia, her er pragtfuld mad og vinene Gutturnio og Ortrugo opkaldt af romerne. Vi besøger nogle af de steder og mennesker der inspirerer Nes i området: lokale bønder med udskænkning, en moderniseret forhenværende tomatfabrik, en vinavler, det keramiske værksted Ceramiche San Giorgio ude ved havet. Den specielle italienske ånd gennemtrænger alle stederne, sætter fantasi og skaberkraft i svingninger.
Filmet, klippet og produceret af Kim Dang Trong i 2016
Musik: Ejnar Kanding
My World in Italy
Nes Lerpa shows us around in his second home country, Italy. Here he has his studio, Borgo Lanfranco in Emilia Romagna, in the piacentic highlands south of Milan outside the city of Piacenza - a magnificent natural area of ancient culture. Here Hannibal won over the Romans on the River Trebbia, and here there are wonderful food and the wines Gutturnio and Ortrugo named by the Romans.
We visit some of the places and people who inspire Nes in the area: local farmers serving wine, a modernized former tomato factory, a vineyard, Ceramiche San Giorgio's workshop by the sea. The special Italian spirit penetrates all the places, putting imagination and creativity into fluctuations.
Filmed, cut and produced by Kim Dang Trong in 2016
Music by Ejnar Kanding

MBD73 aka Carsten Bo Eriksen: “Memory Pieces” (2011/2016, world premiere)
Frans Bak: “Sound of North” (2016)
Ejnar Kanding: ”Sensitive Shades” (2015)
Video af Ejnar Kanding
Ejnar Kandings "Sensitive Shades" spiller op mod værker af Nes Lerpa på (Le) Poisson Rouge i Bleekerstreet her.
Torsdag d. 6. oktober blev musik af de tre danske komponister Ejnar Kanding, Frans Bak og MBD73 (aka Carsten Bo Eriksen) opført i New York af The American Contemporary Music Ensemble (ACME).
Koncerten skulle indfange, hvad komponisterne kalder de nordiske "mørke sider" af Nordic Noir - musik der indfanger en kølighed, ro og en mindfulness.
Koncerten foregik på koncertstedet (Le) Poisson Rouge, en multimediekunst kabaret dedikeret til fusion af populær- og kunstkulturer i musik, film, teater, dans, og kunst

Colori Nomadi
af Kim Dang Trong, Atelier Asserbo 2010
Denne film af Kim Dang Trong viser Nes Lerpa der maler et værk i sit atelier i Asserbo, Danmark i efteråret 2010.
Musikken er komponeret af Ejnar Kanding.
Colori Nomadi betyder nomade farver og er én af de bedste måder at beskrive Nes Lerpas stil med ét udtryk.
This film by Kim Dang Trong about the work of Nes Lerpa follows the creation of a painting in his studio Atelier Asserbo, Denmark, Autumn 2010. The music is Composed by Ejnar Kanding.
Colori Nomadi is italian for nomadic colors and one of the best ways to describe Nes Lerpas work in one expression. Read more about him at neslerpa.com.

Paintings: Nes Lerpa
Music: Ejnar Kanding

Canzone 2
København 2015
Offentliggjort den 24. jun. 2015
Canzone 2 is a song for violin solo and live electronics. The beautiful and intimate is in focus. It might be a lullaby.
Nes Lerpa created the original paintings.
The recording is the world premiere live concert performance by Hélianne Blais, June 7, 2015 in LiteraturHaus, Denmark.

Glazed Terracotta in Nature
Photos from various locations 2012 - 2014
Photo montage from 2014 of Ceramic sculptures by Nes Lerpa placed in nature - a play with colours and juxtapositions, vibrant situations created by Morten Top, Tonny Nybirk and Nes Lerpa. Music: Ejnar Kanding.
Works by Nes Lerpa
Photos by Morten Top
Edited by Tonny Nybirk
Music: "Sich Hingab" 2010 by Ejnar Kanding
Photos from various locations 2012 - 2014:
Agazzano, Italy
Cunardo, Italy
Borgo Lanfranco, Italy
Asserbo, Denmark
Melby Overdrev, Denmark
Copyright: Nes Lerpa and Bugbook Publishing 2014
An exhibition in the ancient prison beneath the town hall palace in a small town in the Colli Piacentini wine district.The intense atmosfere is created in collaboration with young architects, wine growers and the painter.
Video: Giulia Ripa, 2013
Arte e Vino / Vino e Arte
Ziano Piacentino, Italia 2013

Vichingo dei Colori
Mondovi, Italia 2013
Two exhibitions connected with a funicular Railway. A barok church with a combination of big banners, a few small paintings and ceramics. The ceramic museum situated on the ancient Piazza with ceramic sculptures and plates flanked by long narrow canvases. This double-show expresses contrasts, unity and transparency.
Photos: Roberto Molinari. Music: Ejnar Kanding

Saarwellingen, Austria 2013
The METAKON metal construction factory has moved from Saarlouis/Fraulautern to Saarwellingen. A new production area has been built Spring 2012.
To celebrate the opening we present the intense, colourful and expressive works of the Danish artist Nes Lerpa together with the wonderful wood sculptures by Margret Lafontaine

Palazzo Visconti
Bergamo, Italia 2011
Concert Exhibition
Malerier, skulpturer og installationer af Nes Lerpa.
Musikken, "Papilio Machaon" er komponeret af Ejnar Kanding og udført i samarbejde med Irina-Kalina Goudeva.
Videoen er fra åbningen af en koncert-udstilling som fandt sted fra d. 14. maj til d. 15. juni, 2011 i Palazzo Visconti, Rådhuset i Brignano Gera d'Adda nær Bergamo, Italien.
Paintings, sculptures and installations by Nes Lerpa. The music "Papilio Machaon" for double-bass and live-electronics is composed by Ejnar Kanding and performed together with Irina-Kalina Goudeva.
This video is from the opening of a concert exhibition at Palazzo Visconti, the city hall in Brignano Gera d’Adda near Bergamo, Italy, which took place from May 14th to June 15th, 2011.

Paintings sculptures ceramics music video
Organized by Paola Grappiolo, Bludiprussia - Centro Artistico e Culturale
Paintings, big canvases and ceramic sculptures by Nes Lerpa. Exhibition in the Palazzo della Sibilla and the Fortezza del Priamar, Savona
Il Guerriero e la fortezza
Savona 2009
Malerier, skulpturer og musikvideoer.
Arrangeret af Paola Grappiolo, Bludiprussia - Centro Artistico e Culturale
Malerier på store lærreder og skulpturer af Nes Lerpa i Palazzo della Sibilla og Fortezza del Priamar, Savona

The cloisters of Santa Catarina, which have measured the centuries in the solemn severity of their arches and vaults, are able to host and to magnificently render the meaning of the confrontation and debate with Nes Lerpa for a very simple reason:
Through well-tried visual and tactile sensations our artist launches the most limpid and true confrontation and debate in existence.
Now the truth, thanks to these big canvases, is before people´s eyes: the terracotta guerillas are inexorably on the march: no one must detach their gaze or distract their thoughts. Nes Lerpa is lying in wait and ever ready to strike.
Music by Frank Brestchneider and Ejnar Kanding
Video: Vincenzo Vinotti, 2007. Remastered by Kim Dang Trong, 2012.
Santa Catarina Klostret i Finale Borgo, Ligurien, Italien, juli 2007.
Santa Catarina Klostret, som i sine tunge og højtidelige buer og hvælvinger favner århundreder, er storslåede rammer som indgår i en meningsfuld konfrontation og dialog med Nes Lerpa af den simple årsag at Nes Lerpa via sin gennemprøvede visuelle og taktile fornemmelser lancerer den mest krystalklare og ægte eksistentielle konfrontation og debat.
Takket være disse kæmpe lærreder går det hurtigt op for beskueren at terracotta-guerillaerne ubønhørligt er på march: Ingen kan slippe blikket eller lade sig distrahere. Nes Lerpa ligger på lur og kan gå til angreb når som helst.
Guerriglieri dell'Aurora
Auxiliary, Ligurien 2007

A Viking invades Morimondo
Morimondo, Milano 1986
Exhibition Circus
A famous monastery outside Milano, a piazza, a church, meadows, archway, ancient walls are invaded by Nes Lerpa and a group of Italian and Danish people, bringing transparent plastics, ceramics, canvases and reindeer furs. Finding spontaneous materials at a local farmer.
A clash of contrasts, juxtapositions between the medieval ambience and the experimental expression of colours, shapes and structures.
Video: Kim Dang Trong, 1986. Remastered: 2013.
Music: Ejnar Kanding

Simultaneous Injections 1
Odense 1985
Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense
I 1985 greb Nes Lerpa muligheden for at lave en stor og kompleks udstilling i den gamle klædefabrik i Odense.
I samarbejde med folk med den rette visionære indstilling, skaber Nes' brug af mange forskellige materialer mange vinkler, skygger og flertydigheder.
Her er et kort og intenst uddrag af udstillingen med mange fotos af Nes' Oliemalerier og keramik kunst.

Mosaico I
Sensitive Shades
af Ejnar Kanding, NY, USA 2016
Film og video
Brandts Klaedefabrik, Odense (DK)
Nes Lerpa grapped the opportunity to make a great complex exhibition in the ancient textile factory in Odense, Funen. Many different materials creating different angles, shadows and ambiguities, working with people with the right understanding of visions.
The first video is shorter version, intense, many still photos of paintings.
The second one is a slow and meditative version with many visual reflexions.
Video: Kim Dang Trong, 1985. Remastered: 2013. Music: Ejnar Kanding

Samme udstilling men denne video er en længere, langsommere og meditativ version med mange visuelle refleksioner.
Begge videoer er lavet af Kim Dang Trong i 1985 og remastered i 2013. Musikken er af Ejnar Kanding